/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: kjh * Date: 14. 10. 20 * Time: 오후 9:30 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ $(function(){ topVisualDefaultSetting(); rightQuickDefaultSetting(); leftQuickDefaultSetting(); globalNavigationDefaultSetting(); mainVisualImageDefaultSetting(); mobileGnbDefaultSetting(); subInteriorControl(); }) //-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // ëª¨ë°”ì¼ gnb 컨트롤 //-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* var mobileIndex = -1; var mobileGNBStatus = "CLOSE"; function mobileGnbDefaultSetting(){ $('.mobile_menu_btn').on( 'click', function(){ if( mobileGNBStatus == "CLOSE"){ mobileGNBON(); }else{ mobileGNBOFF(); } }); $('.mgnb_1depth').on('click', function(){ reset2Depth(); if( mobileIndex == $('.mgnb_1depth').index( this ) ){ mobileIndex = -1; return; } mobileIndex = $('.mgnb_1depth').index( this ); $(this).find('ul').addClass('on'); }); } function reset2Depth(){ $('.mgnb_1depth ul').removeClass('on'); 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bm.image.srcChange( $('.right_over_out_control img')[thisIndex], "_off", "_on" ); }, function(){ var thisIndex = $('.right_over_out_control').index( this ); if( rightQuickStatus == 0 ){ bm.image.srcChange( $('.right_over_out_control img')[thisIndex], "_on", "_off" ); }else{ if( rightQuickIndex != thisIndex ){ bm.image.srcChange( $('.right_over_out_control img')[thisIndex], "_on", "_off" ); } } }); // 기타 버튼들 í´ë¦ì‹œ $( '.right_quick_btn').on( 'click', function(){ if( rightQuickStatus == 0 ){ rightQuickStatus = 1; rightQuickOpen(); } rightQuickIndex = $('.right_quick_btn').index( this ); rightContentIndexControl(); }); // 기초 셋팅 rightContentIndexControl(); } function rightQuickOpen(){ bm.image.srcChange( $('#rightQuickOpenCloseBtn img'), "_off", "_on" ); TweenMax.to( '#right_wrap', 0.4, {marginRight:0, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } ); rightContentIndexControl(); } function rightQuickClose(){ bm.image.srcChange( $('#rightQuickOpenCloseBtn img'), "_on", "_off" ); TweenMax.to( '#right_wrap', 0.4, {marginRight:-316, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } ); rightContentIndexControl(); } function rightContentIndexControl(){ if( $('.right_quick_btn img').length == 0 ) return; $('.right_quick_content').hide(); $( $('.right_quick_content')[rightQuickIndex]).show(); bm.image.srcChange( $('.right_quick_btn img'), "_on", "_off" ); if( rightQuickStatus == 1 ){ bm.image.srcChange( $('.right_quick_btn img')[rightQuickIndex], "_off", "_on" ); } } //-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // ìƒë‹¨ 비주얼 컨트롤 //-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* function topVisualDefaultSetting(){ if( window.document.body.clientWidth > 800 ){ setTimeout(topVisualResizeControl, 0 ); }else{ $('#center_wrap').css('margin', 'auto' ); } bm.onEnterRegist( topVisualSizeControl ); bm.onEnterRegist( interiorSizeControl ); $(window).on('resize', function(){ if( window.document.body.clientWidth > 800 ){ setTimeout(topVisualResizeControl, 0 ); mobileGNBOFF(); }else{ $('#center_wrap').css('margin', 'auto' ); } }); } // ë©”ì¸ ìƒë‹¨ 비쥬얼 컨테ì´ë„ˆ í¬ê¸° ì¡°ì • var prevTopVisualHeight = 0; function topVisualSizeControl(){ if( $('.visual_0').length == 0 ) bm.onEnterRemove( topVisualSizeControl ); var currHeight = $('.visual_0').height(); if( prevTopVisualHeight != currHeight ){ $('.visual_con').css( 'height', currHeight ); prevTopVisualHeight = currHeight; } } // 서브 - 내부 둘러보기 비쥬얼 컨테ì´ë„ˆ í¬ê¸° ì¡°ì • var prevInteriorHeight = 0; function interiorSizeControl(){ if( $('.view_rolling_con').length == 0 ) bm.onEnterRemove( interiorSizeControl ); var currHeight = $( $('.view_rolling_con li img')[0] ).height(); if( prevInteriorHeight != currHeight ){ $('.view_rolling_con').css( 'height', currHeight ); prevInteriorHeight = currHeight; } } function topVisualResizeControl(){ var leftQuickSize = $('.quick_con').width(); var rightQuickSize = $('.quick_tab_btn_con').width(); var windowWidth = parseInt( window.document.body.clientWidth ); var availableWidth = windowWidth - leftQuickSize - rightQuickSize; var maxWidth = 1400; if( availableWidth < maxWidth ){ // TweenMax.to( '.visual_con, .center_con, .gnb_con, #sub_content_con', 0.5, {paddingLeft: 0, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } ); TweenMax.to( '.visual_con, .center_con, .gnb_con, #sub_content_con', 0, {paddingLeft: 0, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } ); $('.visual_con, .visual_list, .center_con, .gnb_con, #sub_content_con').css( 'maxWidth', availableWidth ); $('#center_wrap').css('marginLeft', 180 ); $('#center_wrap').css('marginRight', 0 ); }else{ var paddingLeftValue = leftQuickSize - rightQuickSize >> 1; // TweenMax.to( '.visual_con, .center_con, .gnb_con, #sub_content_con', 0.5, {paddingLeft: paddingLeftValue, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } ); TweenMax.to( '.visual_con, .center_con, .gnb_con, #sub_content_con', 0, {paddingLeft: paddingLeftValue, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } ); $('.visual_con, .visual_list, .center_con, .gnb_con, #sub_content_con').css( 'maxWidth', 1400 ); $('#center_wrap').css('margin', 'auto' ); } } function subInteriorControl(){ if( $('.view_rolling_con li img').length == 0 ) return; var thumbList = $('.thumb_con li p'); var thumbImgList = $('.thumb_con li img'); var imgMaxIndex = 15; var prevIndex = 0; var imgIndex = 0; // 최초 한번 실행 indexControl(); $('#sub_content_con .roll_btn .left_btn').on( 'click', function(){ prevImg(); }); $('#sub_content_con .roll_btn .right_btn').on( 'click', function(){ nextImg(); }); $('.thumb_con li').on( 'click' , function(){ var currIndex = $('.thumb_con li').index( this ); if( currIndex != imgIndex ) prevIndex = imgIndex; imgIndex = currIndex; indexControl(); }); function prevImg(){ prevIndex = imgIndex; imgIndex--; if( imgIndex == -1 ) imgIndex = imgMaxIndex-1; indexControl(); } function nextImg(){ prevIndex = imgIndex; imgIndex++; if( imgIndex == imgMaxIndex ) imgIndex = 0; indexControl(); } function indexControl(){ $('.view_rolling_con li img').each( function(){ var currIdx = $('.view_rolling_con li img').index( this ); if( currIdx == imgIndex ) { $(this).fadeIn(1000); $( thumbList[currIdx]).addClass( 'thumb_on'); }else{ $(this).hide(); $( thumbList[currIdx]).removeClass( 'thumb_on'); } }); if( prevIndex != imgIndex ){ bm.image.srcChange( thumbImgList[prevIndex] , "on", "off" ); 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